Municipal history of Xanten

Ausgrabungen im Archäologischen Park Xanten APX
Around 2000 BC First settlement of the Xantener area.

Around 15 BC founding of the Roman military camp Vetera I

9 n. Ch. "March out of the Varus" to the Battle of the Teutoburg Forest

Around 105 conferring of the city rights by Emperor Marcus Ulpius Traianus to the Colonia

About 275 migration of peoples; Destroying the CUT (Colonia Ulpia Traiana) and planting the fort inside the CUT

362 - 363 Christian persecution; In Birten Execution of the Roman governor Viktor with his followers

Early 5th cent. End of the Roman rule in Lower Germany

751 Installation of the Viktorstift

1228 Award of the city rights to the market Xanten

1263 Foundation for the construction of the Gothic cathedral of St. Viktor (construction of the Romanic west chancery with the two towers from 1167)

After 1535 impoverishment of the city by the shift of the Rhine

1794 - 1814 French domination; Secularization of the church

1819 - 1844 Intense excavations on the site of the
CUT (Colonia Ulpia Traiana)

1944/45 Almost complete destruction of city and cathedral

1969 Municipal redevelopment: inclusion of the surrounding villages

1977 Opening of APX (Archeologischer Park Xanten)

1982 Opening of FZX (Freizeit Zentrum Xanten)

1988 Xanten is the first city in the government district of Düsseldorf to be awarded the title of "state-approved resort"

2003 775-year city jubilee

2005 Foundation for the Stiftsmuseum

2008 Opening of the new Roman Museum

2010 Opening of the Nibelungen(h)ort Museum - starting from 2012 SiegfriedMuseum

2010 Opening of the Stifmuseum
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