Our "culinary carousel"

Recommended restaurants in Xanten

PaPa Mi - Speisenansicht 7

Our culinary carouse, these are - in addition to the in-house restaurant "Papa Mi" - restaurants within a radius of about 300-500 meters. The colleagues serve our guests a varied, seasonal dishes. We are happy to reserve half-board as part of the conference catering. Contact us!

We will gladly take your individual wishes for a restaurant in time and book a table for you. There will be plenty of variety for your taste buds.

Restaurant "Papa Mi" - Independent restaurant located directly in the hotel!

                                     With a Vietnamese kitchen & sushi bar.

Restaurant "Zur Börse"

Restaurant "Teatro"
Restaurant "An de Poort"
Restaurant "Neumaier"
Restaurant "Karthaus X²"
Spargelhof Schippers - Alpen-Veen

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